Azorte, the premium fashion and lifestyle store chain launched by Reliance Retail, has recently opened its third store in Bengaluru at Vega City Mall. Hari Krishnan, Head of Visual Merchandising at Azorte, highlights that the store is designed to meet the fashion and lifestyle needs of men, women, and children. It showcases sophisticated amenities such as smart trial rooms, self-checkout kiosks, interactive screens, and mobile scan-and-pay options to improve the shopping experience through technology.
Azorte made its debut in Bengaluru with its first store in September 2022. The brand’s second store in the city opened at Phoenix Mall of Asia in April this year. Presently, Azorte runs over 14 retail outlets across major Indian cities, including Mumbai, Gurugram, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Pune and Bengaluru.
The retail giant is poised for even more aggressive growth, with plans to open up to 250 Azorte stores within the next two to three years.
As part of Reliance Industries’ retail arm, Reliance Retail manages a varied range of fashion and lifestyle brands, comprising Reliance Trends, Avantra by Trends, Fashion Factory, and Centro. The company also represents more than 50 global brands like Armani, Burberry, Brooks Brothers, Diesel, Gas, Marks & Spencer, Superdry, and Steve Madden, reinforcing its position in the global fashion industry.