Jaipur-based exporters are generally not known to be very active on the sustainability front, but Sekawati Group (Eco Future Bags) which is completing 25 years of its foundation, is an exceptional company. Manufacturing only 100 per cent cotton bags and exporting mainly to Canada, the US, UK and Japan, the company is making a variety of sustainable bags for all top-end and mass brands of the world including for the likes of Adidas and Walmart. Using azo-free dyes and consuming maximum sunlight in all of its three manufacturing facilities, the company is further moving ahead on the green path with the installation of a solar plant at its unit.

“Initially we will get solar energy in our unit of 40,000 sq. feet (biggest unit of the company). It will take maximum 5 to 6 months to get the full installation in place. The company is investing almost Rs. 35 lakh in this initiative. As of now we have load of 50 KW and our planning is to generate 25 KW by solar. If we find the solar energy source suitable, we will definitely install the same in another two units also to produce complete energy by solar system. As net meter system is being provided by Government we have to pay only for the electricity which we are using of the state supply. Earlier there was no proper system of such calculation but now it is very clear and transparent. It’s a kind of encouragement by Government,” informed Dinesh Gupta, President & CEO of the company who is manufacturing more than 20,000 bags per day. He further added that the company is open to contribute or to adopt systems for a green planet and welcomes the guidance of buyers or any other stakeholder of the industry, in this regard.
The company uses only natural fabric for its products and also doesn’t use any kind of dyes in 95 per cent of its products; the rest 5 per cent products are prepared using azo-free dyes. Most of its products are cotton bags and the kinds of value addition given, is also environment-friendly. “We don’t do any processing, even the packing material we are using is eco-friendly which is disposable, not like plastic or such other materials which are harmful,” says Dinesh. The company having three manufacturing facilities covering a total area of 80,000 sq. feet are using maximum sunlight throughout the day as source of light. All these units have good ventilation systems so overall energy required for these units is very less.
The company is also working with NGOs to create awareness in the people to use cotton bags rather than polythene or the bags which are harmful for environment. It has distributed more than 25,000 bags so far. “As I am associated with Lions Club from last two decades, there is a natural push for motivation for social causes and the same we are translating into our manufacturing and overall business activities. Blood donation, health check-up camps are also something we do on a regular basis. The company is also contributing in the charity programmes of its buyers like Daric Global, USA and some others in way of monetary as well as product support.
It is a positive sign for the industry that medium-level exporters, and that too in Jaipur, are keen about sustainable initiatives. They are not only saving energy but also taking care of environment and supporting charity.
The company is an example of an enterprise initiated with niche product, achieving good growth over the years. Currently Sekawati Group is doing an annual turnover of Rs. 30 crore and is further expecting 30 to 40 per cent growth, as it is achieving the same growth rate from last many years. “We began with a very small infrastructure but continuously growing demand of cotton bags created ample opportunities for expansion and growth. Like others, I too started with high fashion apparels but just 3 months later we got an enquiry from Canadian company Debco Bag regarding cotton bags. From there it stuck in my mind that it can be a big business and a unique opportunity,” shared Dinesh who is enthusiastic about further long-term growth in its business. Furthermore it is looking to expand in Russian and Indian domestic markets as Dinesh feels that both markets are full of potential for its products. “So far not even a single bag has ever been sold in the domestic market as our expertise and knowledge about international market has kept us very busy in overseas orders. Worldwide ban of plastic bags too created demand for our products. But now the domestic market, especially the big brands which don’t as yet offer cotton bags, need it for their products at retail counters. They are currently using paper bags which can’t be used again while we will offer cotton bags in the same price which can be used for a long time,” he added.
Sekawati Group is also working with many top companies of the world which are not into apparel or accessories but yet require bags, and recently it offered to start product for the very upward mobile Patanjali brand.