Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav met with billionaire businessman Tadashi Yanai, the founder of the global apparel brand Uniqlo, in Tokyo, to discuss the possibility of establishing manufacturing operations for the brand in Madhya Pradesh.
In order to highlight the state’s potential, he spent his four days in Japan holding lengthy talks with prominent Japanese businesses and trade associations.
Uniqlo is a brand of Fast Retailing Co., Ltd., a leading Japanese retail holding company with global headquarters in Tokyo. The brand sells casual wear for all categories including women, men and kids. The brand exists globally with 1000+ stores. Uniqlo, which opened its first store in October 2019 in India, currently operates a network of 13 stores in the country.
In order to satisfy demand worldwide, the company intends to increase production and sourcing in India. Currently, 15.5 per cent of the company’s items for Indian retailers are sourced domestically.