Cotton farmers in Kurnool district are facing challenges due to the tough moisture restrictions imposed by the Cotton Corporation of India (CCI).
The CCI has set strict criteria for the cotton it buys, rejecting any with moisture content above 12 per cent and only accepting stocks with moisture levels below 8 per cent. Consequently, farmers are struggling to sell their harvest.
Of the estimated 4 lakh metric tonnes of cotton harvested, the CCI has bought 3.25 lakh quintals so far, leaving a significant portion of farmers’ produce unsold.
The CCI has announced a support price of Rs 7,521 per quintal, which farmers have welcomed. However, this price is only available for cotton with a moisture content of 8 per cent or less. For cotton with moisture between 9 per cent and 12 per cent, the price is reduced in proportion to the moisture level.
With the CCI buying only 40 per cent of a farmer’s total yield, many agriculturists are facing significant financial hardships. In response, farmers are urging the Government to revisit the moisture cap and offer assistance in clearing their unsold stocks. They are calling for a relaxation of the moisture limit, which would enable more of their cotton to be accepted by the