Ministry of Textiles announced the launch of 02 Quality Control Orders (QCOs) for 06 items of Medical textiles and 20 items of Agro-textiles and in the Phase-II, following the due process for notification of Technical Regulations including stakeholder consultation, legal vetting, amongst others according to DPIIT, Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
Medical textiles QCO include a variety of goods essential to hygiene and healthcare. Sanitary napkins, medical textiles-shoe covers, medical textiles-dental bib/napkins, disposable baby diapers, reusable sanitary pads, sanitary napkins, and period panties, as well as medical textiles-bed sheets and pillowcases, are among the items covered by this QCO.
Notably, the Ministry of Textiles has exempted Self-Help Groups (SHGs) from the Meditech QCOs, promoting small-scale manufacturing of necessities like sanitary napkins, baby diapers, and reusable sanitary pad/sanitary napkin/period panties.
Both domestic and foreign producers that want to export their goods to India must adhere to the conformity assessment requirements outlined in these QCOs. The Indian government believes that raising the level and quality of agrotextiles and medicaltextiles is vital in the interest of the general public.
The Agrotextiles QCO will go into effect on April 1st, 2024. The agricultural community places a high value on this QCO, which aims to improve the quality and effectiveness of the Agro textiles
goods and guarantee that farmers have access to trustworthy and long-lasting solutions for their needs.