In comparison to the third quarter of the previous year, when its net profit was Rs 38 crore, Baazar Style Retail recorded a 21 percent decrease to US $ 3.6 million in the December 2024 quarter.
Compared to the same quarter of the previous fiscal year, when the company’s sales were US $ 40.6 million, it increased by 24 per cent to US $ 50.2 million during this quarter. At US $ 453.9 million, the company’s total expenses for the quarter increased by 29 per cent year over year.
Bazaar Style Retail stated that the demand outlook remains strong, and they are optimistic about the upcoming quarter. With the wedding season and Eid approaching, they expect a surge in demand during Q4 FY ’25.
The company opened 15 additional locations during the quarter, bringing its total number of locations as of 31st December 2024, to 199. Value fashion shop Baazar Style Retail is well-known in the eastern states of Odisha and West Bengal.