Indian value fashion retailer, V2 Retail, has announced a significant surge in revenue during the third quarter of the fiscal year. Standalone revenue for the December quarter soared 58 per cent to Rs 591 crore (US $ 69 million) compared to the same period last year.
The company achieved a robust 25 per cent same-store sales growth (SSG) in the third quarter of 2024 compared to the previous year, indicating a strong consumer demand and efficient operations.
V2 Retail’s operational excellence is further evident in its increased sales per square foot per month, which rose to Rs 1,069 in the April-December period from Rs 862 in the same period of the previous fiscal year.
In the third quarter, V2 retail expanded its retail footprint by opening 21 new stores, bringing the total store count to 160. This expansion, along with store closures, has resulted in a total retail area of 17.22 lakh sq ft.
In the first nine months of FY ’25, V2 Retail strategically added 45 new stores while closing 2, solidifying its market presence across key geographies.