Fashion designer Harsh Vardhan Jalan has collaborated with Liva Fabrics, a leading sustainable textile brand by Birla Cellulose, to launch “Prana,” a sustainable couture collection inspired by the ancient Indian concept of life force.
The collection showcases a unique blend of traditional Indian craftsmanship and modern aesthetics. Utilising innovative materials like repurposed fish scales and sustainable fabrics from Liva, Jalan has created bold and surreal silhouettes that celebrate nature and cultural heritage.
“Prana” embodies a commitment to sustainability and ethical fashion as it uses Liva’s 100 per cent nature-based ingredient fabric. Liva fabrics are made from renewable plant-based fibres, sourced sustainably from wood pulp and widely known for their fluidity, breathability, and luxurious drape.
Sree Charan, Vice President of Marketing and Global Head of Brands at Birla Cellulose, expressed enthusiasm for the collaboration, highlighting Liva’s dedication to driving creativity through sustainable practices.
Jalan also emphasised the personal significance of “Prana,” stating that the collection symbolizes the flow of life and reflects a shared commitment to the planet.