An industrial interaction was held at Udyog Bhawan, with Union Minister of Textiles, Giriraj Singh, in attendance. During the event, Dr. Romesh Khajuria, Chairman of the Wool & Woollens Export Promotion Council (WWEPC), briefed the Minister on the potential of alternative and allied fibres to significantly boost textile exports.
The event gathered key industry leaders, including Karan Sarsar, Founder & CEO of Awega Green Technologies LLP, Shripat Jagirdar, Founder & CEO of Weaving Vibes, Shridhar Jagirdar, Founder & CEO of Karishma Exports, and Kanika Sood, Agriculturist at Humans of Hemp.
A major highlight was the discussion on blending hemp and wool, with experts exploring the growing global demand for this eco-friendly and sustainable textile combination. Dr. Khajuria emphasized that this initiative aims to position India as a global leader in the sustainable textile industry.
Regarding international collaboration and export opportunities, Dr. Khajuria expressed support for proposals to establish Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with South Korean delegates. These agreements would foster knowledge sharing, technology transfer, and investment in India. The partnership also includes a buy-back arrangement for hemp-based products and cutting-edge textile technologies.