Giriraj Singh, the Union Minister of Textiles, will officially launch the “Handloom Conclave-Manthan” on 28th January at the Dr. Ambedkar International Centre in New Delhi. The interactive workshop will bring together stakeholders from all sectors of the handloom industry to develop a growth strategy.
The Ministry of Textiles said in a statement that the conference is intended to promote cooperation amongst handloom weavers, manufacturers, retailers, buyers, designers, and other important stakeholders.
The event will examine how to improve weavers’ livelihoods and fortify the handloom sector as a major engine of economic growth for Viksit Bharat 2047, with an emphasis on the Prime Minister’s 5F vision of “Farm to Fibre to Factory to Fashion to Foreign,” it continued.
The Handloom Awards Online module and the Handloom Weavers E-Pehchan Portal will also be launched during the event.
The conclave is expected to attract 250 participants, including 21 panelists, 120 handloom beneficiaries, 35 officials from Weavers Service Centres and IIHTs, and 25 state government representatives, along with officials from various Textile Ministry departments.